Phoenix Gang Intervention and Prevention
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Welcome to Phoenix Gang Programs! We offer state-of-the-art resources for gang prevention and intervention. We provide both juvenile and adult resources for use in correctional, probation, parole, detention, diversion, school, and community-based programs. We offer ready-to-implement programs, and a wide variety of resources for both one-on-one interactions and custom programming.

One of our strongest features is that we have a wealth of experience in tailoring our resources to your specific needs, objectives, and time constraints. With over hundreds of resources available, we can provide specific suggestions to assist you.

Please browse the categories below to find what the programs and resources you need, and contact us for pricing and assistance.

Gang Resources for Short-stay Detention
Gang Resources for Prevention and Early Intervention
Juvenile Gang Intervention
Adult Gang Intervention



  • The Phoenix Curriculum Gang Prevention Resource. Designed for elementary, 6th grade, and middle school students, the Phoenix Curriculum addresses their risk for gang involvement throughemotional awareness, understanding their risk factors for gang involvement, and creating strategies for dealing with these risk factors. The curriculum can be linked to state core competency standards.

    Click here for more information about this key prevention program
  • Risks & Decisions Community Version.This flexible, open group program designed for use in the community presents 30 fully-scripted lessons organized around groups of risk factors. Lessons include DVD-based material, role plays, skill building, and more! Available in both male and female versions.

    Click here for a full Table of Contents
  • Gang Prevention DVDs. Our gang prevention DVDs illustrate key decisions and consequences of key risk factors in young gang members' lives. Each DVD comes with a focused workbook to process the video. Ideal for use in schools, detention centers, correctional facilities, and community programs.

    Click here for more information about these DVDs
  • WHAT DO YOU THINK? These discussion scenarios (for groups or 1:1 use) provide the opportunity for participants to examine their thinking on a range of issues relating to gang activity, criminal behavior and other delinquency. They are an ideal way to begin a session, to end a session, or to break up a longer session by changing the focus for a few minutes.

    Click here for more information
  • A CLOSER LOOK. Nearly 30 topical discussion starters addressing key issues experienced by young people in high risk communities and schools. They address common problem areas, high risk people, high risk places, high risk things, and high risk situations. They are intended to be selected to address specific current issues with a group or with an individual young person.

    Click here for more information
  • GUNS AND VIOLENCE. 50+discussion starters and other key elements for use with individual youth or small groups. The brief (single-page) Discussion Elements provide the stimulus for short thinking - or writing - activities on issues relating to temptations, risks, and consequences of guns and violence.

    Click here for more information
  • PREVENTION/INTERVENTION UNITS. 2 units of group programming (also can be used one-on-one). Unit D and Unit E provide an total of 20 1-hour group sessions that promote awareness and practice in dealing with more advanced prevention strategies.

    Information about Unit D
    Information about Unit E
  • Truancy Curriculum. The Phoenix/New Freedom Truancy Resource offers a variety of tools and guidance for one-on-one interactions at home, in school, or at a police station or other community settings. In addition to staff and student resources, it includes an 8-hour workbook-based curriculum.

    Click here for more information!
  • Parents Curriculum. Our resources for parents providean overview of what their child will be encountering in the Phoenix Curriculum, including samples of some of the key skills and concepts. It prepares parents to support heir children in the use of these skills and in a non-judgmental fashion encourages parents to reduce common family risk factors and enhance available protective factors.This resource is available in both English and Spanish.
  • DVD-based Youth Gang Intervention Resource Model.This 10-session unit features video clips of incarcerated youth discussing their involvement in crime and gang activity, their risk factors, and how they see their futures.

    Download a PDF file with more information.
  • OPEN TO CHANGE Juvenile Risk Factors/Substance Abuse Treatment.This flexible, open group/open admissions program presents up to 6, 10-session modules. Participants may enter the program at any point

    Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program.


  • PNF 100 hour Gang Intervention Curriculum.100 one-hour lessons organized into five 20-lesson books to be done sequentially in a closed group. Designed to reduce resistance to behavioral change and decrease antisocial behaviors, including gang activity, while increasing linkage to protective factors and pro-social elements. A proven effective gang intervention!!

    Download a PDF flyer with complete information.
    Download a Powerpoint Presentation of the program
    Download the Logic Model for the program
  • Risks & Decisions.This flexible, open group program presents 30 fully-scripted lessons organized around groups of risk factors. Several lessons include DVD-based material. Available in both male and female versions as well as residential and community versions

    Click here for a PowerPoint presentation about this targeted resource.
    Click here for a full Table of Contents
  • 32 Hour Gang Intervention Program.This 32-hour, open group/open admissions gang intervention is an intensive intervention based on cognitive-behavioral, motivational interviewing, and social learning philosophies. It is designed to reduce the resistance to behavioral change and decrease antisocial behaviors, including gang activity. Includes a DVD-based unit with clips of incarcerated youth discussing their involvement in crime and gang activity.

    Click here for more information!
  • Delinquency Risk Factors for High Risk Youth.These three 10-session units feature detailed analysis of external and internal risk factors, the development of key coping and refusal skills, and the development of a safety net.

    Download a PDF file with more information.
  • OPEN TO CHANGE Juvenile Risk Factors/Substance Abuse Treatment.This flexible, open group/open admissions program presents up to 6, 10-session modules. Participants may enter the program at any point

    Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program.
  • DVD-based Youth Gang Intervention Resource Model.This 10-session unit features video clips of incarcerated youth discussing their involvement in crime and gang activity, their risk factors, and how they see their futures.

    Download a PDF file with more information.
  • Mental Health Resources A array of proven mental health resources for juveniles that ensure that effective, readily documentable treatment will be taking place! We offer a force-multiplier for providers of behavioral health services, designed to fit your specific needs and dosage.

    Click for more information.
We specialize in tailoring resources for Statewide Models that address your state's most significant program objectives. A number of states use our statewide core programming and targeted programming to address specific needs areas (Behavioral Health, Substance Abuse, Gang Interventions, etc.). These models are also tailorable to address different risk levels to match your assessment process. Our Statewide Models can also include Community Programs. For illustration, please see the model we developed for statewide application across the Georgia juvenile justice system.


  • Step-Down Programs. Our lesson-based Step-Down programs provide structure for alternatives to Administrative Segregation, Max, and Supermax housing. Includes critical facilitator resources and assessment resources.

    Our Conflict Reduction model features 128 hours of programming targeted to reducing aggression, violence, and people problems (facility, unit, and cellmate). An Orientation and three Phases allow a gradual step down out of Ad Seg or solitary housing upon successful completion.

    The Gang Desistence version offers an additional 30 hours (158 hours total) focused specifically on gang issues.

    Download Gang Desistence Model with TOCs in PDF      Download Program Model with TOCs in PDF
  • Combination Self-Study And Group Gang Program. This unique model combines 12 weekly Self-Study Packets with 12 weekly group sessions to process the self-study! Study packets for each week are about 30-45 pages, followed by 1 weekly group session shaped for 90-120 minutes. Each weekly group session features resources related to the self-study packet, including a competency review that address and probes comprehension of the self-study material.

    Download Program Model with TOCs in PDF      Download the Women's version of this model.
  • In-Cell Program. This extensive workbook-based cognitive change and criminal thinking set of resources for administrative segregation or self-study is organized into 5-hour weekly packets for up to 240 hours of programming. Where appropriate, each packet ends with a competency check that tracks comprehension and understanding. We have 200-hour and 240-hour models available, or you can select specific weekly packets to match your dosage and outcomes needs.

    Download a PowerPoint presentation      Download Program Model in PDF
  • Conflict Reduction. We offer a wealth of discussion-based resources for conflict reduction, including criminal thinking, fighting and violence, cellmate issues, and handling people problems.

    Click here for a webpage featuring complete information on our extensive Conflict Reduction resources!
  • Spanish Workbook Resources.Una Libertad Nueva is the Spanish language version of our New Freedom resources. Culturally sensitive, these resources have been used successfully in dozens of state and Federal Bureau Of Prisons correctional facilities.

    Una Libertad Nueva includes more than 60 different resources, providing more than 300 treatment program hours. Appropriate for use with individuals and groups, many have the added benefit of being ideal for in�cell applications.

    Click here for a complete list of our Spanish resources!
  • Workbooks Suited For Self-Study Or One-On-One Use Our gang prevention and intervention programming includes dozens of workbooks, lessons and videos particularly suited to self-study or one-on-one use. We specialize in helping programs select the right mix of resources to address a range of specific needs or desired outcomes.

    Click here for a complete list of our gang prevention and intervention workbooks!
  • Mental Health Resources. A array of proven mental health resources for adults that ensure that effective, readily documentable treatment will be taking place! We offer a force-multiplier for providers of behavioral health services, designed to fit your specific needs and dosage.

    Click here for a complete list of our mental health resources!
Do you have emerging adults in your system? We have the capability and experience to shape resources specifically for this population including statewide systems, facility-based Security Threat Group (STG) issues and gang involvement including in-cell, ad seg, self-study, group treatment, and step-down models for this population. Extensive facility-focused conflict reduction resources support specific program outcomes.

A New Freedom • © 1995-2024 A. R. Phoenix Resources, Inc. • All Rights Reserved •Any questions? Contact us!