Phoenix Gang Intervention and Prevention
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Anger, Aggression, and Gang Violence

Anger management is a critical skill in gang intervention curriculums. Specific gang violence and aggression curriculum and program options include individual lessons, games and other interactive resources, and a range of helpful client workbooks. These materials guide clients to identify symptoms of anger — as they build up, and then deal with their feelings more appropriately. Initial activities relate to development of areas of emotional intelligence and then address critical interpersonal communication skills, conflict resolution, aggression and anger management, and anti-violence skills. Skills-based lessons for anger management include detailed lesson plans, worksheets, activity cards, behaviorally-stated objectives and skills mastery checklists.

Targeted Intensive Gang Intervention Program Element

Materials provide substance to our intensive gang intervention element. Like most of our gang intervention curriculum elements, they were designed to follow change-based MET and CBT materials. We recommend they be introduced after clients reach a state of contemplation or, preferably, preparation-determination. Please contact us for information. This element provides between 96 and 106 program hours.

Skill-based Lessons

A structured curriculum suitable to gang intervention programs.

1-4 Basic skills for better communication 24 When you need to express a complaint
5-8 Becoming a better listener 25 Handling peer pressure
9-11 Learning to be assertive 26 Expressing support and appreciation
12-13 Where does your anger come from? 27 Offering specific help
14-15 Where does your anger go? 28 When you have made a mistake
16-17 Keeping out of fights 29 Assertion skills practice
18-19 When you are accused of something 30,31 Protecting your boundaries
20-21 Handling provocations 32 Conflict resolution Practice
22 When someone else is angry at you 33-35 Refusal Skills
23 Preparing yourself for a stressful conversation 36 Using your "escape" skills

Selected Workbook Options

Basic anger management curriculums use these workbooks. Workbooks are written at a grade 4-6 reading level. Aggression and anger management strategies are introduced.

Anger (F2) Identifies client anger symptoms, issues, and triggers, links anger to dependencies. Topics include repressed anger and passive-aggressive behavior. 6 hours
Understanding yourself #1 (GG7)
Understanding yourself #2 (GG8)
As critical gang intervention resources, these workbooks help clients increase awareness; then clients are guided to identify individual risk factors, and acknowledge that these risks and temptations will be out there, waiting, upon release. If you plan for them, and develop options for how you will handle them better, you stand a good chance.
  1. This is the "risk factors" approach to gang activity. It provides an alternative approach to gang violence, addressing community and family risk factors for gang violence
  2. This is the "risk factors" approach to passive-aggressive behavior, which can often lead to gang violence and other problems. It provides an alternative approach to violence, addressing community and family risk factors for this passive-aggressive behavior.
Living a non-violent life #1 (GG4)
Living a non-violent life #2 (GG5)
As critical gang intervention resources, these two workbooks guide clients in:
  1. identifying their triggers and highest risk factors for violence
  2. developing specific strategies to avoid these issues and to cope more effectively in the future.
"What's wrong with holding in my anger?" (Di 5) Addresses symptoms and consequences of passive-aggressive behavior, issues underlying passive-aggressive thinking and behavior, and uses cognitive restructuring approach to initiate the process of change towards better anger management. 6
"What’s wrong with being tough-minded?" (Di 12) Uses cognitive restructuring approach to identify and address problems with aggression and issues underlying aggressive behavior. Topics include overly-"macho" approach and controlling others by anger. 5
Avoiding problems with authority (RH9) Addresses issues involved in dealing with authority figures and helps participants understand the nature of their anger, hurt, and resentment - and the ways in which they may create more problems for themselves. Supports dealing with potential conflicts with authority figures, provides template for evaluating responses to typical situations and situation cards provide practice in appropriate responses. 4
Problem Solving (PS) Includes 44+ anger/conflict resolution problem situations for discussion and skill modeling. ("What do you really want to happen here?" "What made you think that choice was a good idea?"). Goal for clients is to begin to take responsibility for their own decisions. 8
Coping skills: techniques for use when you are at greatest risk (CS2) Provides guidance and practice in mastery of seven emergency skills - to address areas of temptation to relapse (or to act out anger, etc.). Guides the development of personal action plan for use of immediate measures at highest risk situations. 10
Coping skills: techniques for handling uncomfortable feelings and thoughts (CS4) Provides guidance in mastery of thirteen coping skills important for relapse prevention. 10
Thought stopping, etc. (CS1b) Critical coping skills lessons (thought stopping, thought switching, etc.), including lesson plans, skills practice activities and scripts. 2
Breathing/Relaxation skills (CS4b) Critical coping skills lessons (breathing/relaxation skills), including lesson plans, skills practice activities and scripts, introduce anger management exercises. 4
Creative visualization and relaxation (CS4c) Critical coping skills lessons (creative visualization and relaxation), including lesson plans, skills practice activities and scripts. 2
Safety Nets (RH12) This workbook guides clients to identify and address early warning signs that they are at increasing risk to fall back into old (negative) behavior patterns. 2
Red flags (RH13) Short workbook helps participants identify and plan to address the symptoms and cues that they are moving closer to their highest risk situations. This is a key step toward self-efficacy. 5

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